深圳零废弃 | 无毒先锋






At 21:30 on February 27, in Jilin Chemical Fibre Company, the high-voltage cable had a temporary short-circut power failure during its production, resulting part of the ventilation equipment in the production workshop stopped running. Power supply was restored at 23:10. In preparation for the resumption of production, workers in relevant positions inhaled toxic gases, and were quickly sent to a specialized hospital. Despite doctors' valiant effort, five workers died. Eight of the injured are now in stable vital signs.


新规发布 《化妆品新原料注册备案资料管理规定》5月1日起施行


On March 4, in order to implement the Regulations on Cosmetics Management and Supervision, and to standardize and guide the registration and filing of new raw materials used in cosmetics, the National Medical Products Administration released the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Registration and Notification, which will take effect on May 1, 2021.




In the night of March 8, a fire disaster in the anti-sulfide workshop of Hungpai New Materials Company caused casualties. On March 9, according to an e-commerce platform called Caiyun, the disaster broke out in the "708 workshop" of Jiangxi Hongbai New Materials. Leping Tashan Industrial Park stopped production for consolidation. The Leping Tashan Industrial Park in Jiangxi, where Hungpai New Materials is located, is the world's largest silane coupling agent production center. It has silane enterprises such as Hungpai New Materials, Xuancheng Silicon, and Yuanda Chemical. The shutdown of the chemical park has an impact on the global production of silane coupling agents output of more than 15% , the national output of more than 42%. Under the current tight supply of silane coupling agents, the accident caused a major production capacity gap. 




据CNN 2月20日报道,一个科学家小组和来自TENDR (Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks,关注环境中的神经发展风险物质) 项目的健康专家称,一种叫做邻苯二甲酸酯的合成化学物质正在损害儿童的大脑发育,因此必须立即禁止在消费品中使用。“我们想要做到的是推动公共卫生界,包括监管机构,朝着消除邻苯二甲酸酯的目标前进,我们现在有足够的证据来关注这些化学物质对儿童注意力、学习和行为障碍风险的影响。” 首席作者斯蒂芬妮·恩格尔说,他是来自北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,吉林斯全球公共卫生学院流行病学的教授。

(CNN, February 20) Synthetic chemicals called phthalates are damaging children's brain development and therefore must be immediately banned from consumer products, according to a group of scientists and health professionals from Project TENDR (Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks). "What we want to accomplish is to move the public health community, including regulators, toward this goal of elimination of phthalates," said lead author Stephani Engel. "We have enough evidence right now to be concerned about the impact of these chemicals on a child's risk of attention, learning and behavioral disorders," said Engel, a professor of epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health.




United States congressional investigators found “dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals”, including lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic, in certain baby foods, a House of Representatives oversight subcommittee said in a report released on February 4. Exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children. Toxic heavy metals endanger infant neurological development and long-term brain function.



今年2月,世界各地的环境和社会活动家呼吁各大航运公司证明其企业责任承诺,不再将塑料废物从富裕的工业化国家运往设备不足的国家,以无害环境的方式处理这些废物。来自世界各地的52个组织,包括巴塞尔行动网络(BAN)、绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)、盖亚(GAIA)、环境调查局(Environmental Investigation Agency)和最后一次海滩清理组织(Last Beach Cleanup),已致函全球九大航运公司:德国哈帕格劳埃德(Hapag Lloyd)、丹麦马士基(Maersk)、法国CMA CGM、瑞士MSC、德国汉堡苏德(Hamburg SUD),现代商船(韩国)、长荣(中国台湾)、中远(中国)和东方海运(约旦),敦促这些公司制定政策和实施程序,以防止从富裕的工业化经合组织国家(即发达国家)向非经合组织国家(即发展中国家)出口载有塑料废料的集装箱。

In February, environmental and social activists around the world have called upon major shipping lines to prove their corporate responsibility commitments by no longer transporting plastic wastes from rich industrialized countries to countries that are ill-equipped to handle it in an environmentally sound manner.

52 organizations from all over the world, including Basel Action Network (BAN), Greenpeace, GAIA, the Environmental Investigation Agency, and The Last Beach Cleanup, have written letters to the nine largest global shipping lines: Hapag-Lloyd (Germany), Maersk (Denmark), CMA CGM (France), MSC (Switzerland), Hamburg SUD (Germany), Hyundai Merchant Marine (Korea), Evergreen (Taiwan,China), COSCO (China), and Orient Shipping (Jordan), urging them to establish policies and implement procedures to prevent the export of shipping containers carrying plastic wastes from the rich industrialized OECD countries (developed) to non-OECD countries (developing). According to the plastic waste activist groups, such exports are highly likely to be unsorted, contaminated, and in fact illegal, which will cause much of the waste to be either apprehended as criminal waste trafficking or, in large part dumped and burned in the recipient countries, damaging the health of workers or local communities.




Carbon peak and carbon neutrality are undoubtedly the most highlighted keywords of Lianghui (Two Sessions, or the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) this year. For the international governance of global climate change, China has also pushed developed economies to move forward, including the European Union and the United States. On March 10th, a new analysis of the European Central Bank's (ECB) investment and financing in November 2020 showed that the financial risks from climate change are increasing, but the ECB is still "betting" 300 billion euros on the fossil fuel industry, a move that will undoubtedly run counter to the global trend of accelerating low-carbon transition.
