Inquiry About the Truth of ‘6.97 Tons of C9 Leakage’
On 4th, November, Fujian East Port Petroleum Industrial Corporation Ltd. was executing a C9 shipment task, causing ‘6.97 tons of C9 leakage’. The public expressed their doubts about the leakage volume. Therefore, Quanzhou municipal government established a investigation group, looking into causes of the incidents. During 15th and 19th, November, environmental volunteers asked the local government, Environmental Protection Bureau, Port Administration Bureau and other related organisations for information disclosure. They all replied that, the measurement of C9 volume was not part of their duties.
On 28th, November, there was a deflagration incident on a road of Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province. Many media reports mentioned, the ethyne transported and used for hydrogen production caused the explosion. This aroused public’s suspicion upon hydrogen-fueled cars. Nowadays, even if the hydrogen energy industries has made great progress, there are still some obstacles, such as the total input is not enough, the technique level is low, and the public react negatively upon hydrogen. On 30th, November, the local municipal government announced the initial investigation results, claiming that the deflagration was caused by vinyl chloride which contacted with naked fire. This clarifies the innocence of hydrogen production industries.
日前,西凤年份酒被曝毒性是三聚氰胺的20倍。 根据酒业检测报告,西凤年份酒的邻苯二甲酸异丁酯(DIBP,俗称“增塑剂”)检测结果为1.44mg/kg,报告为限值0.5mg/kg;邻苯二甲酸二正丁酯(DBP,俗称“塑化剂”)检测结果为1.02mg/kg,对应限值为0.3mg/kg。两项塑化相关化学添加剂的含量均接近限定标准的三倍。
Recently, West Phoenix Vintage Wine has been exposed to contain toxicology that is 20 times higher than melamine. According to the test report of wine industries, West Phoenix vintaged wine contains a test volume of 1.44mg/kg Diisobutyl Phthalate (DIBP, also called ‘plasticiser’) , and the reported limited volume is 0.5 mg/kg. While the Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP, also called ‘plasticizer’) test volume is 1.02 mg/kg, and the limited volume is 0.3 mg/kg. The volumes of two plasticizer related chemical additives are both almost 3 times higher than the limited standard.
The Plasticizer surpassing given standards can severely damage the human body. Continuously eating the food containing too much consuming plasticizer, can damage the fertility of males, lead to precocious puberty of females, as well as damage the immune system and digest system. And what’s worse, it can poison the human genes.
On 15th, November, according to the 'Choices' News, Hong kong Consumer Council tested 60 kinds of facial cleanser products, finding that 13 of them contains different kinds of preservatives. 3 samples have allergen-preservatives-contained MIT. 4 samples were tested to have allergen- preservatives-contained free formaldehyde. 5 samples have alcohol-contained-isopropanol. If using the relevant products frequently, the skins will become dry.
“被工厂包围的小学”系列调查:广州一小学现刺鼻气味 师生身体不适 501名学生请假
On 28th, November, according to 'News & Event', Sound of China, students in Xianjiang Elementary School, Guangzhou, had symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, and skin allergies, leading to the class suspension. It seems that the surrounding industries caused students to feel not well. There are plastic production, metal material, chemical engineering, and textile industries around the school. And there are a plastic industry and a waste recycling station on the opposite of the school gate. To tackle with the problem, district environmental protect bureau launched environmental control on the neighbourhood industries. According to the tracing analysis of the time between 9.20 and 10.50 of 16th, November, during that time, Xianjiang Elementary School is mainly affected by Southern Engineering Plastic Company.
粘胶纤维 (Viscose) 大行其道,如何解决生产过程中的环保问题?
The fashion industry is rapidly developing, while the clothes manufacturers have caused more and more environmental impacts. For instance, according to the data of an environmental organization, Canopy Style, during production process, the dissolving pulp used by viscose has caused 70% wastage of timbers. The viscose applied in clothes manufacturing, is made up of ancient forest trees and endangered tree species. To better maintain the sustainable development of viscose industry, on March, 2018, Collaboration for Sustainable Development of Viscose was established in China. On August, it published the 3 year duration industrial plan, which aims to maintain the sustainability of viscose procurement and production.
SCREENING VISITORS The holiday island of Palau is going to CONFISCATE sun cream from tourists
PlaHarmful chemicals found in Daegu's tap water
Toxic flame retardants are in children's car seats
Security firm pays damages to anti-asbestos activists it spied on
Draft Toxicity Assessments for GenX Chemicals and PFBS
11月23日,一项由非政府组织 Arnika,IPEN,BUND 和 HEAL 联合开展的研究《好一锅毒汤:塑料玩具中的二恶英》发现,由电子垃圾再生塑料制成的物品中有 8 个玩具和 1 个发夹都被检出含有超高浓度的溴化二恶英。该研究的主要作者金德利齐·佩特里克指出,为避免玩具中存在剧毒物质,欧盟及其成员国必须撤销《斯德哥尔摩公约》中的垃圾回收豁免登记制度,并对垃圾中的持久性有机污染物实行更严格的管制,还需要把溴化二恶英列入受控清单中。
Saltier waterways are creating dangerous 'chemical cocktails'
Trump administration to consider changes to Obama-era mercury rule